Engineered Hardwood Flooring Can Increase the Value of Your Home


Engineered Hardwood Flooring Can Increase the Value of Your Home

Have you come to the decision that you need to put your house on the market and make a sale? Or maybe you just want to make an improvement to the esthetic appeal of your house and enjoy it a bit before you decide to still sell it off. Whichever situation applies to you, engineered hardwood flooring has a way of adding allure (and some pretty good returns) to your house, meaning that you will most probably be able to get a good deal for your house if you’ve got one installed in it.

If you’re weighing flooring options and you’re considering purchasing an engineered hardwood floor, then you definitely have a lot to gain. One of these is the fact that you get to enjoy the freedom of having multiple choices in wood and design. Also, if you want t sell your home and it already has engineered hardwood flooring installed in it, then it might be a good idea for you to renew it and make sure that t is in good shape.

Hardwood Flooring BramptonHardwood Flooring TorontoHardwood Flooring Mississauga

The Benefits

Here are a few benefits that you stand to gain from having engineered hardwood flooring in your home, whether it is sale-ready or not:

  • Installing engineered hardwood flooring in your home means that you will get the most value for it when the time comes for you to sell.
  •  82% of realtors have actually found that homes with engineered hardwood floors (or basically any other form of hardwood flooring) have a higher probability of selling (and for a higher price, too) than homes with carpets or any other form of flooring.
  • If you’re choosing to replace carpets or flooring with hardwoods, you have the potential of earning a 102% return on your initial investment.
  • Engineered hardwood floors actually last much longer than other flooring options. They have an average lifespan of 75 years, meaning that if you’re more careful, they have the potential to last even much longer than that.
  • Maintaining and cleaning them is pretty easy, and they also give your home a finished look, thereby increasing its allure and appeal.
  • It is possible for a prospective buyer to make use of area rugs in order to add their own personality to their new home, thereby eliminating the need for an extensive remodel (you should probably know that this option is one which will cost much more).
  • Engineered hardwood flooring is especially awesome due to the fact that it has the ability to withstand heat and moisture. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most distinctive features of engineered hardwood that clearly sets it apart from other forms of hardwood flooring. Heat and moisture are both factors that can really destroy a floor and in order to beat both of them, you will need an engineered advantage. Enter; engineered hardwood.
  • Engineered hardwood flooring is also quite easy to find and purchase. There are various engineered hardwood flooring companies in Toronto and you’ll be able to get one for a pretty cheap price.

Laminate Flooring Brampton , Laminate Flooring Toronto , Laminate Flooring Mississauga, Hardwood Giant

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